Lea Ebeling

I am a multi-siciplinary artist working at the intersections of science and art. During my studies, I worked in research and journalism. In 2021, I started my own business with highly detailed fine line illustrations and murals, back then with an assistant under the name Kollektiv Orange. Since I continued to run the collective on my own from 2022, I have now said goodbye to the name and continue to work as a solo artist.

Over time, I have also added comics to my repertoire. For me, they are a way of creating entire worlds and telling complex stories with just a pencil and a piece of paper. I am therefore also increasingly using comics in the field of science communication. It is important to me personally to make scientific, political and social content accessible at a low threshold and to open up art to all levels of society, whether on walls, as comics, on paper or digitally.

My artistic work is characterized by careful background research on the respective topic, place, or story that I want to visualize. By using theoretical literature research as well as ethnographic and artistic method, I collect multiple visible and invisible, real and fictional elements and reassemble them into landscapes, cities, worlds, and stories in which the eye can embark on endless entangled journeys. In my artworks I merge past, present and future with the unspoken, imaginative elements, memories, wishes, and dreams that flow into the artwork as an intgral part of reality.

Academic Education

M. A. Modern South and Southeast Asian Studies

Humboldt-University Berlin


Klassenfahrt. 63 persönliche Geschichten zu Klassismus und feinen Unterschieden.

Published by Frede Macioszek and Julian Knop. Edition Assemblage.


Weltschmerz – Political Emotions in the Neoliberal Age

Affect and Colonialism Web Lab


Foto: © Bernhard Wannenmacher



Science Communication

Comic and Graphic Novel

Wall Art

Hidden Object Pictures


Mural City Festival

Artist in Residence, Scheibbs, Austria


Xarkis Festival

Artist in Residence, Agros, Cyprus



Group exhibition „Wie Kiez Dir?“

Atelier Cocon Coloré, Berlin


Exhibition “Decolonial and Anti-Capitalist Future Imaginaries in and Beyond the Antropocene”

auf dem Sudanese Peace Action Day, MOOS, Berlin


ALTER-NATIVE : A Multi-Disciplinary Solidarity Exhibition

Part of the group exhibition with my master thesis: "Decolonial and Anti-Capitalist Future Imaginaries in and Beyond the Antropocene"

Organised by Tendermesh and Sawa Creatives

90mil, Berlin
